Pursuant to Article 36 of the Kenya Model United Nations Constitution, the Conference Bureau serves as the support structure of the society, ensuring effective planning and management of, as well as proper conduct of society members during, the various events that shall take place throughout this session.

Our Team

Faith Boiyo

Conference Director

Faith Boiyo completed her Bachelor of Laws at Kenyatta University school of Law. She started off as a delegate and has served in the Conference Bureau as Deputy Head Planning and Logistics in the 23rd session. She loves reading books, hiking, working out and she is currently learning Spanish. She believes that consistency and hard work always yield substantive results. She is also generation restoration, with passion for sustainability in matters environment. Her Mantra is Paso Corto Vista Larga which means short steps, long vision.

Nathan Njenga

Deputy Conference Director

Nathan Njenga is a student of Law from MKU Parklands. He just completed his 4th year and holds the position of Deputy Conference Director. His primary goal in this role is to ensure the smooth running of events during this session and to make KMUN as enjoyable as possible for all participants. He enjoys reading and writing fiction works, gaming, and cooking. His favorite quote is "Do what you can with what you have, where you are" by Theodore Roosevelt.

Conference Bureau

The Conference Bureau is composed of 25 members who are selected by the conference directors to aid in the functions of this office.

Their functions include :

  1. 2 heads of Protocol Department responsible for ensuring protocol members are at per with the rules of procedure.
  2. 2 heads of Planning and Logistics responsible for ensuring event implements such as placards and lanyards are in order before all events.
  3. 21 protocol members who perform functions delegated by the conference directors and department heads.

They maintain order in the rooms during debate sessions. They also aid the Dias ensure flawless debate sessions by acting as a go between the delegates and the dias.

Celine Maina
Head of Logistics
Janet Wavinya Mutua
Deputy Head of Logistics
Virginiah Nyaikamba Karundu
Head of Protocol
Nickie Ochieng
Deputy Head of Protocol
Sumeiya Bakari Khamis
Joan Nkatha Kiogora
Michelle Wathika Kamau
Kibunja Victor Giuthua
Marion Kibet
Mercy Ndanu Ouma
Yvonne Owendi
Eric Odiembo
Clare Atieno
Jeremiah Muuo Jonathan
Victoria Nyawira Gichuki
Laura kaluli
Elvis Mburu
Sharon Nyawira Gakonoh
Ian Mwangi
Carol W Gicharu
Adryan Muturi Ngene
Patricia Njoki Gachanja
Dulcy Mwanzia
Young Kimani
Farah Zamiyo Abdikadir