The Finance Directorate, established under Article 35 of the Kenya Model United Nations Constitution, is an integral part of the organisational structure of the association. It is led by the Finance Director and the Deputy Finance Director, who are responsible for overseeing the financial affairs of the organisation.

The main functions of the Finance Directors include:

  • The Finance - Director shall be the chief financial officer of the Society and in charge of all the financial aspects; such as receiving all money and incomes, the preparation of the budget of the Society including the making of quarterly reports to the National Secretariat.
  • The Finance - Director shall keep financial records and books of account, and shall cause to be entered therein details of all money received and payments made by the Organization.
  • The Finance - Director shall make sure that the Society’s books of account and all documents relating thereto are available for inspection to the Council of Representatives at such place and at such time as may be reasonably specified by him or her or as per this constitution.
  • The Finance - Director shall undertake to source for funds to propel the Society’s activities and perform such other tasks as may be appointed from time to time by the National Secretariat.
  • The 24th Session Team

    Dolce Okoth

    Dolce Okoth

    Finance Director

    Named after two big brands, it's no surprise that Dolce thrives in creative and innovative spaces. She embraces life with an open palette, and is always trying to make the most out of every opportunity that comes her way. Dolce believes that financial freedom allows the freedom to dream big and make those dreams a reality. She is the go-to person for all things money-related. And you bet she is always on the lookout for new funding avenues to fuel the society's ship. Her favourite quote is: "Live boldly. Push yourself. Don't settle. Knowing you have possibilities is a luxury."

    Ruth Ndanu

    Ruth Ndanu

    Deputy Finance Director

    Ruth Ndanu, a law student at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, has witnessed the remarkable growth of KMUN over the years. Her role as the record keeper of the in-finance bureau during the 23rd session has provided her with valuable insights into financial matters and the societal significance of financial independence. She finds inspiration in the quote, "Put yourself out there, even if you don’t get it, at least you tried." Beyond her involvement in KMUN, she finds joy in reading novels, watching movies, and being an active member of the smiling community.

    Finance Bureau

    The Bureau comprises 11 individuals chosen by the finance directors to support the functions of the office.

    Sharon Mochama
    Emmanuel Wandera
    Record Keeping
    Christine Karonjo
    Record Keeping
    Audrey Muturi
    Sales and Marketing
    Venessa Amuzie
    Sales and Marketing
    Brian Kinyanjui
    Sales and Marketing
    Grace Akhayele
    Sponsorship and Fundraising Coordinator
    Edson Ng’ang’a
    Sponsorship and Fundraising Coordinator
    Ali Elema Isacko
    Sponsorship and Fundraising Coordinator
    Carlton Ochieng
    ICT Officer
    Nigel M Mbwanga
    ICT Officer